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Forums Pre-Production Forum Looking for unique architecture / villa in Europe for photo shoot

This topic contains 17 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Suraphan Kusolsong 15 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)
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  • Hi, we are looking for a very unique villa location for a photo shoot for a car catalogue. The reference building is unfortunately not available for advertising. It can be anywhere in Europe. The crew will be very small (just photo team and clients). The job is scheduled for the end of july. Looking forward for any suggestions!
    Here”s the reference building:
    Thanks a lot!!

    Lieber Sebastian,

    Mein Name ist Peter Welter von Fresco Film Services in Malaga. Ganz in der Nähe von uns wurde vor Kurzem eine ähnliche Villa fertiggestellt. Ich versuche gerade, den Besitzer ausfindig zu machen und Fotos zu bekommen. Sobald ich diese heute im Laufe des Abends bekomme, lade ich sie hier im Forum hoch. Wenn Du Lust hast, kannst Du ja schonmal ein Wenig auf unserer Webseite rumstöbern, um zu wissen, wer wir sind.

    Bis nachher, viele Grüsse aus dem Süden

    Peter Welter Soler
    Fresco Film Services S.L.
    Cell +34 609 508 788

    Lieber Sebastian,

    Nochmal Peter von Frescofilm in Malaga. Eine weitere Option wäre dieses Gebäude in Malaga. Wenn es Dir gefällt, meld Dich einfach unter oder +34 609 508 788, dann können wir drüber sprechen.

    Hoffentlich bis später,

    Peter Welter Soler
    Fresco Film Services S.L.
    Cell +34 609 508 788

    weitere Fotos vom selben Gebäude

    Peter Welter Soler
    Fresco Film Services S.L.
    Cell +34 609 508 788

    Hi Sebastian,

    Here are some sample houses. Send me a quick email and we can see what else we can find.

    Speak soon

    James Stewart

    Hi, You can search more on the web

    Hi I have many places that might fit the description – I am out scouting now but will be able to send tomorrow . What about the building did your client like ? Does the car have to go inside or only outside ?


    Hi Sebastian,
    please find some house references in Greece.
    Feel free to send us an email with your production/location spec i.e.access of the car in the house surroundings etc and we can make additional location proposals.
    Warm regards from Greece

    Dear Sebastian

    I’m konstantinos Tagalakis and my proposal for your project is in Athens Greece
    If interested please contact me at or visit our website

    Best regards

    Artie Thomas


    Here is what we can offer in Prague.

    Kristyna Kodet
    ETP, Prague

    From Tenerife

    with regards

    for more info contact me on my mobile
    +34 609 066 884

    From Tenerife

    with regards

    for more info contact me on my mobile
    +34 609 066 884

    lui suki

    Hallo Sebastian,
    hier ein Haus aus Portugal. Etwas kantiger, vielleicht interessant. Team kann im Haus unterkommen!
    Für weitere Infos bitte kurze Email an

    Sonnige Grüsse aus Lissabon
    Hamilton Pereira

    Hello from Greece!
    We suggest 2 houses, 1 is white as requested but the other I just attach it to you since the architecture is unique and its cement.
    In case you need to contact me please mail me at
    My kind regards,

    Odessa Ukraine

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

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