Dear Mrs. Plitenko,
We suggest coming to Malaga, where it’s nice, warm, sunny and green! We have over 320 days of sun and natural daylight a year. Malaga is a very historical and yet modern city. We would be very interested in knowing more about your shoot, therefore, if you could provide us more information we will be glad to help you.
We’d like you to know that Malaga Film Office is a non-profit public organisation funded by the local City Council of Malaga and created with the mission to promote our film-friendly city, and the one-stop film office covering filming permits and municipal coordination within the city capital of Malaga. It is with great pleasure to inform you that filming in Malaga is free from city location fees for all non-commercial shoots and for commercial shoots there is only a very minimal daily fee. In addition, our very special and unique incentive; ALL shoots on the public beaches of Malaga are completely free from location fees.
We will just point out that the following are some of the services we offer also entirely free of charge to all film shoots in Malaga:
· Film Permits processed in only 5 business days.
· Coordination of Police and Traffic flow management during film shoots.
· Availability of Public Local Authority Locations; Historical & Cultural heritage monuments, Contemporary buildings, Beaches, Tropical Gardens, Mountains, and more.
· Assistance in finding specific Locations.
· Assistance in local Production Logistics contacts; Transport, Accommodation, Catering, Castings, and more.
· Assistance in Local Crew & Company Contacts from our Production Directory.
· Assistance in Audiovisual Legislation.
Please visit our Website for more information on these services and for location images:
Furthermore, we have over 2500 images on file of city locations available for filming, of which you can see an introduction on our website, and if you are searching for a specific location at any time please send us the brief and references and we will do our best to find it for you in Malaga!
We hope you find this information helpful and hope that you may keep Malaga in mind for your next production! Please don’t hesitate to contact us further for any other information you need!
We look forward to the possibility of working with you in the future!
Best regards,
María del Rocío Sánchez Quesada
Production Assistant