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Forums No answers when we propose some locations……

This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Mekong Filmfixer 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Andrew Hodge


    It would be nice or just correct for people asking some type of locations to answer or thanks contributors even the locations are not matching exactly.

    thank you


    Yes Gilles, I agree sadly people are lacking the courtesy to respond sometimes. Never used to be that way. Sign of the times and not a great deal we can do about unfortunately.

    All the best,


    Leonardo Uhlenburg

    Hello Gilles,
    I agree with you.

    Lino Ruggiero Fixer in Tuscany italy

    Hello Gilles,

    thank you for this Message. best Whishes from Liguria, Italy
    Claudia Mielke
    Location Scout, Director, Production-Partner

    Hello all,

    I would propose to The Location Guide team that they set the pre-production forum in a way that anyone who ”Creates a new post” has to ”close it”.
    Either with:
    ”Thank you, we have chosen a fixer” or
    ”Thank you, we did not get the pitch” or something similar to that.

    Just a thought.


    Borij Levski

    Hey Borij,

    Many thnaks for the idea. I think that might help. We will put that on the FORUM rules and ask people to return to their posting to tell everyone that they have what they need.

    With thanks again and every good wish,


    Absolutely on your side Gilles.

    More and more pseudo-producers use this forum to get gratis infos and photos. It´s really low to use our good-faith without at least a “thanks”.

    It would be nice, but I can fully understand why they don’t. On almost every post here 20 people ‘shoot their load’ from the first second like a pack of hungry wolves.
    Do you really think that if you post all the pictures and location details that the client will then get back to you? No, you just did the work for free, so why pay now?

    If a client is serious, he will engage a fixer, scout or company after a simple introduction such as: “Happy to work with you on this project, I believe we have exactly what you’re looking for here in Lalaland, please contact us directly to discuss your budget and our engagement T&C.”

    I don’t need a client to thank me for responding to their post, I need them to be clear about their budgets and intentions, choose a company, and pay for scouting.


    Than you Gilles,
    Greetings from Italy

    Mekong Filmfixer

    Hi everyone!

    Greeting from Cambodia!
    Mekong Film Fixers is serving as a platform for all international producers that wish to shoot any project in Mekong-region countries, especially Cambodia. We provide all significant services needed for filming: scouting and location management, and permits issuing, equipment and crew to name just a few. Furthermore, we possess close relationship with many internal filming commissions of the host countries which not only helps shortening the processing time but also benefiting in reducing paper work troubling and financial expense. For more detail:
    Tel: +855 12-951-565
    +855 17-646-920
    +855 96-249-4800

    Best regards,
    Mekong Film Fixer

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