Written by new-contact on Aug 29, 2012. Posted in Incentive News

Michigan rules commercials ineligible for state filming incentive

Commercials shooting in Michigan are not eligible for the state’s filming incentive. The state has had to make a distinction because commercials can be eligible for the incentive when they’re promoting productions that have qualified for the programme.

Mayer Morganroth is an attorney for the Michigan Film Coalition, which was pushing for the incentive to be extended to commercials. He spoke to Michigan Live: “Commercial business is suffering terribly because it can’t be competitive with other states that give credits.”

Michigan had its film fund massively reduced in 2011, making it difficult to appeal to big-budget studio productions. This latest ruling on commercial incentives could be seen to put the state’s filming industries at an additional disadvantage.

(Main page image: Shawn Wilson)


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