Written by new-contact on Jan 9, 2013. Posted in On Location

Boosted Los Angeles commercial location filming fuels overall growth

Commercial location filming in Los Angeles in 2012 grew by 14%, growth that was fuelled partly by an increase in material filmed for the internet. This led to an overall location filming rise of nearly 5% for the city, although this figure masks a big drop in TV drama production.

Feature production in Los Angeles was at its highest for four years but runaway TV dramas – projects that chose to film on location in other parts of the US – contributed to a 20% drop in that category for the year.

Paul Audley is President of FilmLA: “We know that part of the decline in our TV drama figures stems from producers’ desire to cut costs by filming more on studio back-lots and soundstages. Unfortunately, last year we also saw a record number of new TV drama series shot out of state, resulting in negative economic consequences.”

California faces stiff competition from generous location filming incentives in places like Louisiana, New York and Georgia. Audley added that California “must continue to innovate and expand” its incentive programmes to stay competitive.


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