Written by new-contact on Jun 5, 2013. Posted in Incentive News

California location filming incentive applications increase 20%

California saw a surge of nearly 20% in the number of productions applying for its location filming incentive for the 2013/14 fiscal year. A record 380 separate projects applied for support and 28 have been approved for the state’s 20% filming tax credit.

“The record number of applications this year serves as affirmation that the production industry wants to stay at home in California,” said Amy Lemisch, Executive Director of the California Film Commission: “But tax credits now drive much of the decision-making process and sadly many projects that weren't selected to receive California credits will be shot elsewhere.”

California has USD100 million a year to award as filming tax credits but applications are decided using a lottery system and productions budgeted higher than USD75 million are not eligible for support. Runaway productions are a long-term problem as features and TV dramas chase better filming incentives elsewhere in the US.


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