Written by new-contact on Aug 17, 2015. Posted in On Location

TV series Galavant filming second season at Bristol’s Bottle Yard Studios

Disney’s ABC Studios has started filming a second series of the fairy tale comedy Galavant at The Bottle Yard Studios in Bristol. Galavant will spend 16 weeks shooting on purpose-built sets in the Tank House 3 space.

“It’s wonderful to welcome the Galavant team back to The Bottle Yard for Series Two,” said Fiona Francombe, Site Director of The Bottle Yard Studios.

“To have a high profile US production featuring A-list talent choosing to locate their shoot with us once is a major milestone for the Studios.

“To have them return for a second series the following year is a ringing endorsement for what we have to offer to overseas productions here.

"[We have] good international flight links, close proximity to London, access to a wide range of locations across the South West and Wales, a strong local crew base and a responsive service from our team of Studio staff, all of whom are ex-production themselves and so fully understand the needs of a demanding shoot.”

The Bottle Yard Studios is now the largest production facility in the west of England, and also offers easy access to the production hub in Cardiff and South Wales.

New BBC period drama The Living and the Dead is also filming at The Bottle Yard, in Tank House 4.

“Having been based here last year with Poldark,” said producer Eliza Mellor, “I knew we could access great crews, and a wide variety of locations within a short distance of the studios, as well as being able to construct our sets on one of their stages and the Bottle Yard team have made us feel very welcome once again.”

(Image: ABC/Nick Ray)


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