Written by new-contact on Aug 19, 2010. Posted in Production News

Corona Light shoots in Tayrona National Park, Colombia

Beer brand Corona Light has filmed a new commercial in the Canaveral/Ecohabs beach area of Tayrona National Park in Colombia. The area is close to where Specsavers filmed its Billions commercial earlier this year. Moonlight shows a group of young people partying on a tropical beach at sunset. When the sun goes down they move to another beach and the party carries on in the moonlight.

Warren Keuning, of Tribu International, said: “The reason this location was chosen was that the rocky outcrops of the area provide beaches that face both westward for the sunset and eastward to shoot the light of sunrise to provide the lighting intention of the rising moonlight.”

Challenges came in the form of technical and weather practicalities. The crew had to haul a 160kw generator through jungle paths to the beach to power the tungsten lights needed by Dante Spinotti, the Director of Photography. Joseph Dugan, the Executive Producer with Landia, said: “We had weather issues, which is going to happen over four days on the equator, but the team worked right through it and we were all impressed by the quality of their work and the commitment they showed.”

The production was crewed with people from four different countries. Landia and La Comunidad have offices in both Argentina and the US, while the Corona brand is Mexican and of course the project was filmed in Colombia. Everyone spoke both English and Spanish so there were no language barrier issues.

Dugan concluded: “I’m excited about shooting more in Colombia in the near future. The infrastructure is good, the crews have experience and the country has some unique geographic advantages when compared to South Africa, or even Uruguay which is great, but far away.”

Click here to view the ad.

Client: Corona Light Beer
Agency: La Comunidad
Creative Directors: Ricky Vior, Leo Prat
Production Company: Landia
Executive Producer: Joseph Dugan

Production Service Company: Tribu International
Producer: Warren Keuning
Directors: Agustin Alberdi, Cyrus Sutton
Director of Photography: Dante Spinotti


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