Written by new-contact on Feb 17, 2011. Posted in Incentive News

Utah considers increasing location filming incentive by 5%

Film productions choosing to shoot in Utah could soon access a sweetened state incentive. The plan is to increase the current available figure from 20% to 25% of eligible expenditure, while digital media projects could also be supported.

Marshall Moore, Executive Director of the Utah Film Commission, said: “We can demonstrate that the existing incentive has had state-wide effect rather than being limited to Salt Lake City and that should help us. Raising the figure to 25% puts us on par with New Mexico. We also want to remove the existing sunset clause, which has spooked TV shows in the past from making a long-term commitment to the state as it meant a review date after two years.”

Utah has hosted several major film productions recently, including Disney/Pixar feature John Carter of Mars and Danny Boyle’s acclaimed 127 Hours. The BBC chose the state for Doctor Who’s first ever US location shoot in the winter of 2010.

Homepage image courtesy of the Utah Film Commission.


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