Written by new-contact on Nov 29, 2010. Posted in On Location

BFI to take over most UK Film Council duties

It’s been confirmed that the BFI will take over most of the duties formerly carried out by the UK Film Council in the British film industry. There’ll also be a 60% increase in its Lottery funding, with GBP43 million being available by 2014.

Film London will take charge of encouraging overseas investors, including the major Hollywood studios, to invest in the UK industry. A private-public partnership will be set up for this and will include organisations such as the US Screen Association and Pinewood Studios Group.

Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture and the Creative Industries, said: “The proposals I have announced today will give the industry the financial certainty it needs. The valuable tax credit remains, Lottery funding will increase and the BFI will be the flagship body for the delivery of the UK film policy.”

Greg Dyke, Chair of the BFI, said: “This move will mean a major transformation for the BFI. In the immediate term we will be working closely with staff at the UK Film Council to make sure that the skills, expertise and knowledge needed for this new world are retained.”

The Government announced the closure of the UK Film Council in July. The move was condemned by Tim Bevan, Chairman of the Council, who said it was a decision “driven by short-term thinking and political expediency.”


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