Written by new-contact on Sep 15, 2011. Posted in Incentive News

California location filming incentive gets 12-month extension

California’s screen industries have managed to have the state’s filming incentive extended for a year, according to the LA Times. As in many states throughout the US, especially where conservative Governors swept to power in the 2010 elections, the California incentive is unpopular in some circles.

Despite the news, there’s still tension and uncertainty in California as the screen industries were hoping for a five-year extension rather than a mere 12 months. More time would have made it much easier to attract TV shows looking to make a long-term location filming commitment. The state’s already lost much of this year’s pilot season to New York.

This programme has been able to create 20,000 jobs and create nearly USD4 billion in economic activity. To me it’s a no-brainer to continue the success.

Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes

Steve Dayan is a business agent for Teamsters Local 399 and told the paper: “There is the impression that this money goes to fat-cat producers and people on runways and red carpets. The truth of the matter is this money goes to below-the-line workers and the hardware stores, furniture stores, equipment rental vendors and other small businesses that support the industry.’’

Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes sponsored the bill: “This programme has been able to create 20,000 jobs and create nearly USD4 billion in economic activity. To me it’s a no-brainer to continue the success of this programme.”

California is still one of the top three production centres in the US – alongside New York and Louisiana – but is losing business to its rivals as location shooting levels have see-sawed in recent months.


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