Written by new-contact on Mar 19, 2012. Posted in Production News

Chrysler to film 2013 Dodge commercial on location in small-town California

Vehicle manufacturer Chrysler will be filming its new Dodge spot on location in a small California town this week. Tehachapi lies in the south-west of the state in the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains and Chrysler will film there on Wednesday and Thursday this week (21st and 22nd March).

Filming will take place in the town’s business district and then at the airport, suggesting plans for some dramatic track-driving shots on the landing strip. The production team has already confirmed high-speed driving will be taking place. Tehachapi was chosen over places like Taft, Wasco and Ridgecrest.

Filming will take place in the town’s business district and then at the airport, suggesting plans for some dramatic track-driving shots on the landing strip.

Joanie Haenelt is marketing and promotion associate from the Kern County Board of Trade Film Commission and spoke to Tehachapi News: “There’s a guide line that the Association of Film Commission International put out and it talks about the economic impact to a county.

“It gives us a schedule to go by. For example, when a commercial comes into town if there are 60-plus people they figure the income to the community is USD150,000 a day, so you're looking at USD300,000. That covers the money they spend in hotels, eating, for fuel, things they buy and also it covers some of the public works.”

California’s desert regions are particularly popular for car commercials because they offer eye-catching locations within a relatively short distance of Los Angeles.


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