Classification Production Service Companies
Type C T D I P
Address 1253A Telecom House, 3 Gloucester Road
State (na)
Country China SAR Hong Kong
Telephone +852 2827 2122
Regions covered Asia Pacific
Languages English, Mandarin, Cantonese
Trading since 1991

Recent productions

Giuliana And Bill
The Style Network,
Director: John Vanover
Producer: Stephanie Blau
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: United States of America
Worldwide Tribe
Worldwide Tribe,
Director: Craig Borders
Producer: Craig Borders
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: United States of America
Mission Knowledge Worldwide
Director: Joachim Förster
Producer: Joachim Förster
Type: Documentaries
Country: Germany
Ariane 5ES Down-Range
Worldwide Pictures,
Director: Chris Courtenay Taylor
Producer: Chris Courtenay Taylor
Type: Industry, corporate videos
Country: United Kingdom
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