
Classification Production Service Companies
Type F C M T D I P
Address Calle Levante 16, Parque de la Reine
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
State Canary Islands
Country Spain
Telephone (34 922) 739 916
Regions covered Canary Islands
Languages English, German, Spanish
Trading since 1997

Recent productions

Director: Jappe Pälvinen
Producer: Daniel Lindholm
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Spain
Sparkasse: Time of Our Lives
Film Blau,
Director: Ben Von Grafenstein
Producer: Axel Brügmann
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Spain
Vogue China
10 - 4 Inc,
Director: Boo George
Producer: Alice Ferrante
Type: Photo shoots
Country: Spain
Link4 Insurance: Massai + Eskimo
Link 4/ Pirania Film,
Director: Michal Sablinski
Producer: Rafal Chabasinski/ Agnieszka Morys
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Spain
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