COPILOT Productions

Classification Production Service Companies
Type C T D I P
Address 551, 18th Avenue
H8S 3R3
State Québec
Country Canada
Telephone (1 514) 993 7711
Regions covered Canada
Languages English, French, Spanish, Portuguese
Trading since 1999

Recent productions

Arcade Fire: Reflektor Album Launch on SNL
The Director's Bureau,
Director: Roman Coppola
Producer: Danielle Lyons
Type: Music Videos
Country: United States of America
Maxwell House
Skunk LA/ Means Of Productions Vancouver,
Director: Nacho Gayan
Producer: David Bouck/ Ed Callaghan
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Canada
BMW: Olympics
Sugino Films,
Director: Shin Sugino
Producer: Andy McLeod
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Japan
A Deux C'est Mieux
Evasion Network,
Director: Eric Santerre
Producer: Jim Edward
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: Canada
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