Dome Productions

Classification Production Service Companies
Type T
Address 1 Blue Jays Way, Suite 3400, Rogers Centre, Gate 13
M5V 1J3
State Ontario
Country Canada
Telephone (1 416) 341 2001
Regions covered North America
Languages English, French
Trading since 1989

Recent productions

Muskoka G8/ Toronto G20 Summits
Government Of Canada,
Producer: Bruce Gaum
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: Canada
Winter Olympic Games
Olympic Broadcast Services Vancouver,
Producer: Rick Chisholm
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: Canada
Andre Rieu Concert
Andre Rien Productions,
Producer: Martijn Volleberg
Type: Music Videos
Country: Canada
North American Rugby Championships
Director: Martin Turner
Producer: Lee Hobley
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: United Kingdom
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