International Production Company

Classification Production Service Companies
Type C M T D I P
Address 2520 North Beachwood Drive
Los Angeles
State California
Country United States of America
Telephone (1 877) 620 9867
Regions covered USA, Czech Republic
Languages English, Czech
Trading since 2003

Recent productions

Solomon Kane
Davis Films,
Director: Michael Bassett
Producer: Philip Waley
Type: Films
Country: Czech Republic
The Rainbow Tribe
Rainbow Tribe,
Director: Chris Watson
Producer: Daniel Frisch
Type: Films
Country: United States of America
Oxymoron Entertainment/IPC,
Director: Chul Soo Park
Producer: Daniel Frisch
Type: Films
Country: United States of America
Hostel 1 & 2
Screen Gems,
Director: Eli Roth
Producer: Peter Nelson
Type: Films
Country: Czech Republic
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