
Classification Production Service Companies
Type F C T D
Address Avenida Corifeu De Azevedo Marques, 583
Sao Paulo
Country Brazil
Telephone (55 11) 3722 3691
Regions covered Latin America
Languages English, Portuguese, Spanish

Recent productions

BPA: Place In The World
Ozono Films,
Director: Bruno Pinhal
Producer: Carol Dantas
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Portugal
Gillette: Goddess Of The Beach
Aero Films,
Director: Klaus Obermeyer
Producer: Howard Cohen
Type: TV Commercials
Country: United States of America
Gillette: Beautiful Breeze
Aero Films,
Director: Klaus Obermeyer
Producer: Howard Cohen
Type: TV Commercials
Country: United States of America
Gillette: Goddess Of The City
Aero Films,
Director: Klaus Obermeyer
Producer: Howard Cohen
Type: TV Commercials
Country: United States of America
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