Park Production

Classification Production Service Companies
Type F C T I P
Address Bersenevskaya Embankment 8/1
State (na)
Country Russia
Telephone (7 499) 995 0757
Regions covered Russia
Languages English, Russian, French
Trading since 1997

Recent productions

Lincoln Financial Group
Union Commercials,
Director: Albert Watson
Producer: Jonathan Murphy
Type: TV Commercials
Country: United Kingdom
Telecom Italia
Colorado Films,
Director: Spike Lee
Producer: Angus J Macdonald
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Italy
Coca Cola
The Directors Alliance,
Director: Ray Yoshimoto
Producer: Nick Uemura
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Japan
Moxie Pictures,
Director: Jim Sheridan
Producer: Lisa Shaw
Type: TV Commercials
Country: United States of America
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