Planet - The Production Community

Classification Production Service Companies
Type F C M T D I P
Address 343 Rennie Avenue #5
State California
Country United States of America
Telephone (1 310) 581 1100
Regions covered USA, South America
Languages English, Portuguese, Spanish
Trading since 1994

Recent productions

McDonald's: Team Gol
Director: Henry-Alex Rubin
Producer: Lisa Tauscher
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Brazil
Rosetta Stone: Smallest World Montage
Pulse Films,
Director: Young Replicant
Producer: Kira Carstensen
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Uruguay
Kellogg's: Pringles
Bandito Brothers,
Director: Larry Charles
Producer: Pat Frazier
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Uruguay
Skype: Family Portrait
Station Film,
Director: Gregory Mitnick/ Gregory Jenkins
Producer: Sarah McMurray
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Brazil
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