
Classification Production Service Companies
Type C M T D I
Address 13 De Septiembre, Numero 4, First Floor, Colonia Tacubaya, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo
Mexico City
Country Mexico
Telephone (52 55) 2636 3500
Regions covered Mexico
Languages English, Spanish
Trading since 1989

Recent productions

Noche En La Ciudad
Once Tv Mexico,
Director: Manuel Palazuelos
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: Mexico
Jazz Tonight
Espacio Comercial,
Producer: Josefina Moyron
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: Mexico
50 Aniversario
Producer: Eduardo Sastre
Type: Documentaries
Country: Mexico
Boletines Electronicos
Producer: Roberto Calleja
Type: Documentaries
Country: Mexico
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