Toy Pictures

Classification Production Service Companies
Type F C D
Address 25 Borychev Tok Street
State (na)
Country Ukraine
Telephone (380 44) 494 4454
Regions covered Ukraine
Languages English, French, Russian, Ukrainian
Trading since 2009

Recent productions

Fiat Egea
Jaguar Projects,
Director: Lemon
Producer: Cihan Oktem, Hasan Suat Sağlam, Chad Ozturk
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Turkey
Year: 2017
Virgin Media
Director: Brian Williams
Producer: Dara McClatchie
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Ireland
Year: 2016
Static Films,
Director: Jan Boon
Producer: Patrick Schepers
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Belgium
Year: 2016
Eurovision Song Contests: The Orchestra Film
Camp David Film,
Director: Robert Jitzmark
Producer: Erik Torell
Type: Music Videos
Country: Sweden
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