von Brunn Media

Classification Production Service Companies
Type F C M T D I P
Los Angeles
State California
Country United States of America
Telephone (1 310) 622 4571
Regions covered USA, Germany
Languages English, German

Recent productions

Mayweather Vs Manny Pacquiao
Sky Deutschland,
Director: Sebastian Vogel
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: United States of America
Der Bachelor: Los Angeles
Seapoint Productions,
Director: Dirk Ludwig
Producer: RTL
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: United States of America
Traumfrau Gesucht
Eyeworks Germany,
Director: Philip Schulze
Producer: Philip Schulze
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: United States of America
Privatdetektive Im Einsatz
Filmpool Entertainment,
Director: Matthias Grüner
Producer: Merle Weber
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: United States of America
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