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Forums Autumn / Winter Locations worldwide

This topic contains 17 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lisa Strout 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Lisa Strout

    Looking for Autumn and Winter locations for a photo shoot mid-March.
    Can be anywhere worldwide, I am just looking for locations that can offer:
    The autumn, red / orange leaved trees type of feeling
    The winter, snow and cold feeling

    Best case scenario would be 2 areas that wouldn’t be too drastically far from each other.
    Any suggestions are welcome.
    Thanks very much!


    Lisa Sorini

    Hi Laura,
    I suggest you look to Finnish Lapland for winter locations!
    With five airports in the region and good connections from the capital Helsinki we are easily reached. Guaranteed snow in March. Can you tell me more about what is it exactly you’re after – natural or man made locations? Town milieus vs wilderness? It’s all here!

    Please get in touch with us at Finnish Lapland FIlm Commission / +358 40 350 8322
    or visit
    Our latest showreel:

    Isabel Gomez

    Hi Clara,

    In March we can offer winter locations and karst region that might work as an autumn one:–Locationguide–/

    Please let me now if you need anything else.

    Kind regards,


    We can offer you the Mountain locations in Poland. The weather is quite changeable in March although in higher mountains you can always find beautiful landscape. I will send you via email more locations proposition. Do you think more about natural location or city landscapes could be as well?


    Magda Ludwig
    Film Polska Productions

    Hello Laura,
    can offer you here in the Austrian and Switzerland Alpine Areas
    several locations comfortable to reach good infrastructures.
    have a look on our gallery

    Vienna Austria

    Hello Laura,

    We are specialized in the European Alps and we cover Slovenia, Austria, Italy, France and Switzerland. In March we can easily find snowy situation with a big range of chices towns, small villages, chalets, forests, rivers, frozen lakes, etc… We will be actually already shooting a winter catalogue in mid March and we will more then happy to host your shoot as well. Last year we serviced a cinese winter catalogue in late march.

    What you will NOT FIND in Europe in Mid March is the red/orange leaves. This is from northern Europe down to Greace. The reg/orange leaves are present in autumn before they fall on the ground. In March all the north emisphere is aming to spring with green leaves trying to pop out as soon the temperature rise. In the Alps in March thanks to the altitude we can still find winter and we can still find spots where the leaves are still on the ground but they will be brown/yellow and the trees will be bare and have a winter look. Hope this helps a bit. Please feel free to contact me with more details to better understand the projec and bring it where ever is best. Paolo

    Jim Eidt

    Hi Laura,

    Canada can certainly give you winter with snow and bare trees but I’m afraid you won’t see the fall colours until October.

    If you’d like to send me your boards or scripts I’d be happy to show you some location ideas that might work.


    David Bouck
    Means of Production, Inc.

    Dear Laura,
    thank you very much for your inquiry, it is good to hear from you! TIROL – the location in the Heart of the Alps offers winter locations throughout the year. Five easy accessible glacier regions make it possible. Especially in March we will have just perfect winter locations while spring will spread its colours in the valleys. The special Indian Summer fall colours you will only find in September and October. Please visit for information and more pictures.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and to welcoming you here in Tirol soon,
    all the best


    Inland Production services – Finland — tel +358 400 279 255

    We can not do Autumn with colorful leaver on trees now.

    We have ‘CENTER’ of Winter now. :-D

    Here, as an immediate response, is link to where we would take the client for SNOW: to Lapland.

    We would be very happy if we can send you a proposal for a work plan and a quote.

    Yours truly. +358 400 279 255

    if you want winter and fall
    i would suggest Chile or Argintina

    Luisa Saro

    Hello Laura,

    I’ve posted pictures to browse in a Project Room…please log in below:

    Username: black
    Password: cameron

    Go to the Locations Page once you’ve logged in.

    Winter spaces we have plenty of! However Autumn would be in October. Right now we have a mix of snow on the mountains & green in the valleys below. By about end of March/April the trees will start to blossom for Spring & the world will be covered in pink & purple.

    Hope we can help! All the best,


    Ricky Barria

    Hi Laura,

    Here in Iceland we have plenty of snow and Ice, glaciers, glacier lagoons, mountains and so on, but as in most of the northern hemisphere, autumn leaves are gone. Check out the images, and if you would like to receive some more send me an e-mail:


    Petur Sigurdsson
    On The Rocks Productions

    Hi Laura, New Zealand is a good option. We are just going into autumn now. The very best time for autumn colors is in mid April, but leaves will be starting to turn earlier. If you are able to send me some more information I can reply with more detail. Best, William.

    Hello Laura,

    Lamar at Pumpkin Film, Zurich.

    For me, Switzerland is it. Great locations. Good crews. Shooting Autumn in the alps at a low level and moving up to the glacier level for snow scenes is quite easy.

    Some photos are below. Let me know if we can help out further.


    Lamar Hawkins

    Hi laura we can suggest u Chile or argentina and assist you with the production
    Best Alberto,

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