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Forums Cargo Ship

This topic contains 13 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Olivier Lebourgeois 11 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
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  • Hi,

    I’m working on a film, we are going to shoot in Chile, and for one sequence, I need to shoot exterior shot of a cargo ship in the port of Valparaiso. Has anyone had any experience with something like this and can recommend any contacts?
    Does any one worked with ship cie like MSC or Hamburg Sud?

    We have shot cargo ships
    Cranes and containers at the port of Miami
    No issues

    David bishop

    Adam Rogers

    For the Port of Valparaiso authorizations (which in the last couple of years have become very strict), main facts to know will be the amount of people you need to set in, the filming gear you need to settle, for how long and date you need this to happen (on this days the port is having a union stop)
    We have long experience in production services for companies coming from abroad
    Let us know .Rodrigo Fernandez

    I would recommend you get in touch with the Valparaiso Film Commission, they can be a great ally to expedite permits and issues concerning the shoot.
    contact Mauricio Hernandez Felgueras at:
    write back if you require assistance with customs, work permits and any other related film commission issues…

    best of luck!
    Valdivia Film Commission

    Hi There,

    I would also recommend to contact Maurico from the Film Comission Valparaiso if it is just for this shot.
    He is a cool guy

    I hope you have a wonderful time in our Chile !

    Best Regards

    Ingrid Bragemann

    hi Olivier …
    i would love to suggest you to shoot this in india in very cost effecting budget . please do let me know if you guys ready to travel to india .it would be my pleasure to work with you guys.please have a look on some of reference picture .
    mail me for more details .

    best regards
    dharmendra singh
    +91 9833084766
    skype :- dharmendra1232
    mail me –

    Delroy Dixon

    I think this post may be a little misleading, Olivier, you’re working as a location scout in Chile, isn’t that right?

    I’ve shot in the port before, But shooting in the port in Valparaiso, and contacting the shipping lines are two different types of permissions, and you’re only looking for help with contacting the shipping lines that pass through the port, correct?

    cheers, Bud

    Bud Theisen
    Straightforward Films
    cel. +5699-818-2067
    skype: budtheisen
    iChat: bud.theisen

    As Bud said, I’m location scout in Chile. I was looking for some contacts of Ship cie like MSC or Hamburg Sud.
    The port location is yet selected, and we gona shoot in Valparaiso. I’m currently working with the port autorities for getting permits.
    I just need some help for direct contacts with international ship cie.
    Tks all for your messages.

    Cher Monsieur Olivier
    Regarding to your request, to shoot on the exterior of a cargo ship in Valparaiso you´ll need different permits.
    One of them will be from the Company that manages the concession of the Port. Other permit must be provided from ADUANA (Customs) and another permit must be asked from the Company who is renting the Cargo Ship. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:


    Hadad Felix

    Oliver Call the company Mundolocaciones Chile, they will help resover your problem.

    Bonjour Olivier,

    Procine a tournée dernièrement un comercial dans les ports du Chili; dans les ports & sur les bateaux.

    Sur le site ; www,

    Ils ont tous les contacts pour faciliter ton travail.

    Tu devrais contacter Donal Navaro ; producteur chez Procine;

    Un saludo,

    Louis Bronsard

    Hi Olivier.

    I have contacts in the CSAV in Valparaiso. Do you still need help?

    I can offer you bi-lingual assistance as well as finding out more information for what you need, but I need to know more to make the inquiries,


    Erin Bates
    Pura Vida Fotografía

    Thanks all, for your answers.
    Erin, I will answer you at your private e-mail.
    Louis, tank you for writing in French; I had already spoke with the location manager who worked on this project, who´s a friend of mine.
    Raimundo, tank you for your advice and your knowledge, always a pleasure to work with you.
    I had some good meeting today but as said Rodrigo Fernandez, there is a union stop this days, so the Chilean maritime area is quite busy and don’t have a lot of time for listening guys like me.


    i have some good contacts to hamburg süd. before i was working in the shipping business.:-)if you still need some help, just let me know…

    Hi Jens, I send you an email to your private adress.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

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