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Forums Carnet vs. Local Rental

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Rahul Pal 13 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Rahul Pal

    I am travelling to Santiago, Chile from the US and looking for input on whether I should travel my camera equipment with a Carnet through customs or rent locally in Chile. Any good restaurant suggestions would be appreciated too.

    Hadad Felix

    hello carolina, my name is Felix and I have a small producer in Chile dedicated to various services. the most popular locations, depends on the specifics to be the work and the cost depends on what you want to pay to bring the equipment or hire in Santiago, I think the level of the team is the same you have in the U.S. and no practice of However, Siquieros more in detail tell me to my mail and I can help, there are also nice restaurants for all tastes from the typical Vietnamese food to Chilean pan, so if you recommend is the pisco sour .. good health and stay attentive to your comments.

    Adam Rogers

    Regarding Chilean Customs, you can directly enter your camera equipment with the ATA Carnet. Sometimes it could be convenient to rent locally, such as when you are having overweight in your flight. Equipment rates in Chile are sometimes convenient depending on the kind of gear you need to rent. If you need any more precise information you can write me directly to
    Anyway be welcomed to Santiago.
    Rodrigo Fernandez

    Delroy Dixon

    Hello Caroline,

    Chilean customs is quite straightforward, as long as all the paperwork is filled out correctly, they’re sticklers for details. Make sure you’ve got all your cases correctly listed on the carnet, and don’t put anything disposable on there, you’ll need everything on it again on the way out of the country.

    The local equipment rental houses are fairly good, and have just gotten much better with the addition of Congo Films to the market. It’s certainly worth quoting the gear you need locally before deciding to bring it all with you.

    cheers, Bud Theisen

    Dear Caroline;
    I’m writing you from the Chile Film Commission. If you have the ATA Carnet, then you won´t have any problems bringing temporarly equipments. Anyways, in Santiago there are many rents companies with the most modern equipments, cameras and gears. If you want to contact them, don´t hesitate to ask me for further information.

    Best Regards;

    Raimundo Alemparte
    Location & Information Manager

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