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Forums Pre-Production Forum Cases of Different Religions at Peace

This topic contains 13 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Francisco Murguia 16 years, 3 months ago.

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  • We are researching for a documentary to be shot in 2009 and we are looking for cases where communities or organizations from multiple religions share a space or common goal and do it in peace. In any country.

    For example: a non profit organization of christians and muslims that help children in need, or a special family whose members practice different religions, but still have a good family relationship, etc.

    Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance!

    Peter Keydel

    we have some well fare and foundation community which a non profit organization in Thailand. please send your e-mail to us. and we will send more details to you. or

    Ajai Kapur

    Hi Gabriel,
    I am writing you from Croatia. I am thinking about some organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which might be from multiple religions and share a space or common goal and do it in peace.
    Don’t hesitate to contact me and I will try to help you if you could send me brief of the project.
    My mail is,


    My name is Joe Yaggi from Jungle Run Productions. We’re based in Indonesia, the world’s largest muslim country on an island that is primarily Hindu. There’s a couple of places in the country like this where diverse religions live together and, in some cases, share ceremonial laws and life. If this sounds interesting, drop me a line and I’ll be happy to tell you more about us. My email is joe at jungle-run dot com.

    There is a village in Israel where Palestinians and Jews live together ; it’s called Nevé Shalom Wahat as-Salam, on the road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It means “Oasis of Peace”.

    Does shooting in Jordan sound OK.
    In Jordan you can fing Christians and Muslims working and living together. The best example is the city of Madaba, with the Byzantene church, Mount Neba, lots of Mosques and Islamic sites.
    Mona Darwazeh

    Dear Gabriel,
    I think Egypt will be a suitable environment for such topic.
    You contact me

    Vicky Bahri

    Get in touch … I even tried a similar work in Ghana, so I think you should contact me, so we can discussed in details, for Ghana is a perfect place for such production, where at the moment we have a head of Christian Church who had his secondary school in an Islamic Institution in Ghana. my contact:
    00233 244621854

    Hi, I’m Jonathan from e-Locations Asia. Malaysia will be ideal as it is a multi-ethnic, multi-racial and multi-religion nation. Many families are of mixed marriages and culture is borne by the bond and the understanding with much mutual respect for one another. Please feel free to call me to discuss further of this project or simply mail me at ….. Cheers

    Hello from Ukraine!
    West Ukraine should be interesting for you. There are churches where Orthodox priest and Catholic priest work in the same place. In the early morning people are going to Orthodox priest, in the afternoon they are going to Catholic priest. The same church, the same people. And then…. Then in the evening they are going to the witches… :)
    If you are interested this situation too, please contact me.

    executive producer
    phone/fax: +38 044 4406074
    mobile: +38 067 4480792
    skype: olenayuzik

    Ian Booth

    Hi Gabriel,

    You can find many such stories in Singapore & Malaysia. I have some personal contacts too.

    Let me know if you wish to explore further!


    Hi, there is an organization that is helping children with different forms of cancer all over the Ukraine.
    There are a lot of volunteers there. Mainly it is a Christian organization, but there are also people with other religious view. If you are interested in that pls contact me – I know some volunteers. We can find out the needed info

    Tony Basile

    Dear Gabriel,
    Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multilingual society. The population as of February 2007 is 26.6 million consisting of 62% Malays, 24% Chinese, 8% Indians, with other minorities and indigenous peoples.
    We have many intersting location that fits your requirement, one of such is in state of Malacca where Hindu temple,Chinese temple and Muslim mosque is build side by side. I do have more intresting stories, Pleas email me for mobile:+60126467007

    Hi Gabriel,
    Altough there is some potential for a religous conflict in Indonesia recently, there were many cases that peoples/organization between different organization work side by side here. Exp: Muslim organization will have a vigil during Xmas Eve, Christian Church have open house feed Muslim orphan/needy. In Bali, Hindu’s community guard Muslim minority’s village, etc. Most of people in grass root believe that they dont have problems with other people with different religion.

    Dan Wilson

    i know an indian family, where father is a muslim, of his two wives, one is a maharashtrian hindu, & the other , a christian, the brother in laws, sister in laws & son in laws are from different follows all the three religions without conversion to the father’s muslim religion… they celebrate all the festivals, ganapati, id, christmas…diwali, ramzan, good friday….
    send me a mail on

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