Hello Poland!
We are partners in the biggest casting studio in Ukraine for commercials using.
You are welcome to find they contact here http://mamacasting.com.ua/
But if you are looking for feature film project, best casting director in Ukraine, who knows english and operate with ukrainian and russian actors with diffrent scale is Tanya Vladzimirskaya. mob. +380 (66) 119 17 86 vladzimirskaya@ukr.net
Pay attention ukrainian and russian citezens still need open a visa to Poland. For ukrainian ones it is possible to manage during a week, but for russian ones it could take may be 2-3 weeks.
if you need anything else – we have feature/tv production company and script buro – Toy Cinema. Will be more then happy to help you with any kind of things in Ukraine or in Russia.
Best wishes,
Dmitry Sukhanov
executive producer
Toy Pictures / Toy Cinema