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Forums Pre-Production Forum Cave for Neanderthal drama recon

This topic contains 32 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nicki Gottlieb 17 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 34 total)
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  • Hi Victoria,

    In Portugal we have some very nice caves close to the sea. If you like more info or pictures, please, mail us. or call us Soulkitchen Productions 00351 282 788205

    Kind regards,

    Frits Keijzer

    Hi Victoria
    Italy is famous for all the caves we have from the north to the south. I already prepared for you some references. If you want to send me your mail, I could forward them to you.
    Best regards
    Michele Colombo

    corinne burns bruno
    As you have seen from the response from my collegues in Italy there are many great places to film in Italy. Sure it depends on your budget and also – what time of the year you are planning to film. Italy is rich with nature caves – some of them are awesome! I would be happy to send you a few ideas taking into consideration, your tight budget and the fact that you need to be close to the sea and a hotel or town. You can check out my website for further information if need be.

    Theo Bloke

    Hello Victoria, I believe that we might have some suitable places in Portugal. I expect to be able so send you some pictures still today if you provide me with an email to send them

    Julie Craik

    Hello Victoria – it is a few caves in SE of Romania, near to the Black Sea – 1 h drive from sea side. For more informations, please email me at .
    Best regards

    Mark Murrell

    Hi Victoria,

    There are few possibilities for Neanderthals caves in Croatia, and we can manage the cooperation of The Croatian Archeological Society, (it’s necessary). Few of theses caves are close to the adriatic coast, and sometime in woodland area. So, We can organise and manage this kind of shooting.
    At first, You can contact me :
    Mail :
    Awaiting your feedback

    Good afternoon! My name is Kseniya, I am from Gulliver Film production house. We already found a few locations for your demand. Please contact me:

    simon fenton

    Hi, my name is Cristina Manolescu from Top Cut Productions in Greece. We do have the a good location for your movie, nearby Athens and I can send you some photo references and a rough quote should you be interested in shooting down here. Please don not hesitate to drop us an email at for any request.
    Kind regards

    Ioana Sava

    Dear Victoria, Rasto Kuril/Slovakia here. My country has very wide and stunning cave system. For moods please visit, choose language fits you best and check options. Or do not hesitate to contact me on I’ll gladly prepare a mood board for you. Shall the sea be a must for the script, however, I must say, Slovakia is a country in the middle of Europe and no sea could be found here therefore. Best, Rasto

    Ajai Kapur

    Hello Victoria,
    I am writing you from PlanetB full production services company in Croatia. There are several locations in Croatia which would be suitable to your brief. It is needed to contact local authorities because some of them are part of the natural resort or protected areas. If you are interested please contact me with more informations to help you in providing photos and/or everything needed.

    Ajai Kapur

    planetb production services in croatia
    ivana alpeza
    mobile:00385 98 251274

    Ajai Kapur

    planetb production services in croatia
    ivana alpeza
    mobile:00385 98 251274

    Sharon L

    maybe i can help you, can you mail me at

    if i have more info it will help with the right location,

    ooops films ltd.

    Victoria, please have a look, we present a few of possible locations for Neanderthal drama:)Hope you’ll be interested


    we have somer suggestions for you in Lazio and Toscana (Italy). If this could be of any intrest please contact us.
    +39 06 3332562

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 34 total)

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