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Forums Pre-Production Forum choopers for shooting

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Renier Ridgeway 19 years, 1 month ago.

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  • hi, my name is Giuliano, I’m from Tandem Film Romania and I need some help. I’m looking for 2 black helicopters, the best would be Eurocopter 350, for shooting in Ukraine. Between 23 – 28 february.
    Please contact me on
    thank you all

    i own ukraines largest production company – RadioaktiveFilm. Who are you planning to shoot with. we can definitly provide helicopters, they might not be black, but lets talk.

    contact me at

    Darko Executive Producer
    Office: +(38044) 537 0747
    Mobile: +(38067) 236 5073
    29-31 Glybochitskaya Vul.
    4th Floor
    Kiev Ukraine

    simon werry

    Hi Guliano,

    We are aerial specialists based in the UK but with extensive experience within the Ukraine. I am sure we would be able to help as we have a database of several machines that would be suitable for your project. Please call me or email me more details on
    + 44 7831 715909 or

    I look forward to hearing from you

    Luke Needham


    We have 4 Agusta 109 helicopters based near London, one of which is black. In fact it was used in the movie Sahara recently.

    You can see it on our website

    Philip Amadeus

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