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Forums Pre-Production Forum Producers

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Ari Parvez 8 years ago.

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  • Ari Parvez

    Two production companies are currently developing a debut feature in Bulgaria. The budget and scope of the film is small, incorporating non-actors and a minimal crew and a short film methodology. With very few locations and characters, the script has been nominated for various screenwriting awards. The director is a published author and is about to film a third short in mid 2017.

    Filming will largely take place in regional Bulgaria in the winter with four weeks of production and we are open to the possibility of completing post-production in another territory. We are seeking alternative partners for co-producing and pre-sales. Assistance through offsetting the production and post-production budget is also highly regarded. Application to pitching forums and state co-production funds is also of interest to the current team and needs to be discussed in great detail.

    10% of the budget is secured through private equity. Please find the time to express your interest below and we can arrange a telephone or Skype conversation where more details regarding story, the director’s vision and finance plan can be revealed.

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by  Ari Parvez.
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