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Forums Colombia – Bogata Documentary Shoot

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Layla Flaherty 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    We have a small documentary team that is going to be in the Bogata area in the coming months. I would guess sometime mid to late August.

    We will have a team of 4-5 people traveling along with gear. We plan to do a 3-4 day shoot.

    Please email if interested, and I can go over more specifics.



    We are a full service production company specialised in film, documentary, creative advertisement, music videos and digital media. We provide production services in
    Cartagena, Colombia and Los Angeles, USA.

    Some of our recent fixer services in Colombia:

    The Amazing Race S28
    Island Hunters
    Les Vacances de Monsieur Bruno
    Waterfront Cities of the World

    We would be happy to help with your needs in Colombia.


    Hi Maura,

    I’m a local producer and fixer based in Colombia. I’ve been working for more than 15 years on reportages about organized crime and social topics. Some of the last productions I worked on were Drugs Inc. and Underworld Inc. (bot National Geographic/Wall To Wall Media)), Ross Kemp (Sky 1), Al Jazeera and Deutsche Welle, Berlin. Please feel free to get in touch with me at Thank you, Oliver

    Hi Maura,

    Hope you are well. Rambler is an international production services company based in Bogota and NYC, offering full production services throughout Colombia. We are represented by the Global Production Network (GPN).

    My email is I have just sent you an email as well.

    Best xx


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