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Forums Columbia or Argentinian production service

This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Enzo Coluccio 8 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
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  • Hello,

    we are Belgian production company looking for a production service or a freelance producer to shoot solid drone shots of nature landscape (rainforest, mountains, lake, landscape..)

    Please contact


    Hello Cho,

    We would be happy to help!

    I am emailing you now.



    Pancho Casagrande

    Hi Cho.
    Argentina is your best option, definitely.
    I sent an email to you.

    Kind Regards

    Location Manager / Fixer
    0381-154 56 35 38 N.O.A
    ##54 9381 456 3538 Outside Argentina
    Skype. panchocasagrande

    nota. tené en cuenta el medioambiente antes de imprimir este mail

    Hi Cho,

    hope you’re doing fine.

    I’m a freelance fixer and local producer, based in Colombia since 18 years.

    I have worked with NatGeo, Al Jazeera, Deutsche Welle, Sky 1, Univision, among others.

    Please drop me a line at and let me know what you’d need.



    Hello Cho, I have just emailed you with links to examples of my work.

    Thanks, Dylan

    Hi Cho,

    I sent you an email with links to some of our aerial work.

    Please contact me for any questions at


    Anna Spisz

    Hi Cho

    We can definitely help with this, we regularly shoot drone shots of nature landscapes and wildlife all over Colombia for channels and producers such as National Geographic, The Discovery Cannel, Endemol, the BBC, the Shine Group and Canal +

    We have great contacts with private and national nature reserves throughout the country and a list of suggestions that we think could work.

    I will email you directly or you can find more details about our company at

    Thanks in advance


    Hi Cho,

    I’ve sent you an email.


    Johny Park

    Hi Cho, Argentina has everything you are looking for. If you need references please email me with more detailed info about the project:
    All the best

    Mariano Cukar
    Location Manager
    T.: (011) 15-4495-3981 Desde Argentina
    +54 911 44953981 From other countries

    Hello. did anyone receive a reply from Cho? I sent 3 emails and got nothing back.

    Hello. did anyone receive a reply from Cho? I sent 3 emails and got nothing back.

    Pancho Casagrande

    No, nothing.


    Fixer / Location Manager


Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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