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Forums Pre-Production Forum CONGO (RDC)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Ewa Jacuta 15 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Ewa Jacuta

    Good morning, we are planning to shoot part of a feature film in CONGO and we are looking for local assistance, crew, equipment etc…. It”s a french speaking film to shoot early 2010. Who is experienced over there, any advice ? Contacts

    I am writing from INDIA. We have a region here in INDIA which has thousands of Africans and even he jungles surrounding the place looks like Africa. If you are interested to shoot please do get in touch. Pics of people are attached as reference
    Kishore Sinh Parmar

    We shot a English/Danish feature for IFC in 2002 called “The Intended” directed by Kristian Levring starring Janet Macteer,OLympia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker in Kuching, Malaysian Borneo – which stood in as the Congo in the 1930’s.

    Our locations are almost identical to any in Africa, lush jungle, winding rivers, rugged terrain.

    We have local extras matching those in Congo, and specialised film crew available.

    Edgar Ong
    Southeast Asia Film Locations Services
    cellular +6019-8598928
    fax +6082-256742
    address 9 Ong Kwan Hin Road,
    93000, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

    Website reference:

    Edgar Ong
    Southeast Asia Film Locations Services

    Bonjour Jean-Luc, L’Afrique est notre pré carré! Notre photographe belge était en RDC la semaine passée et nous avons des contacts, etc à Kinshasa. Susie, Ginger Ink Film & TV Production, Nairobi, Kenya;,

    Maybe late in responding,parts of kenya and tanzania have look alike locations with congo eg wide rivers,the green enviro,forest etc.and have organised security systems in place. good roads,hotels .Technically,kenyan film crew are well experience and exposed to international film making.

    for more

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