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Forums Pre-Production Forum Construction in Eastern Europe

This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Paul W K Yang 18 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
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  • Is anybody familiar with experienced construction companies in Eastern Europe who can construct sets that can then be pack struck and trucked to the UK

    Hi Nigel,
    please send me some more details, what kind of
    work / set need to be done. If I have more details, I will ask few people around. Contact:

    Linda Krukle

    Hi, Nigel ! We are another production company in Bucharest,Romania, ofcourse bigger and better (: (and full of modest people like myself(:), and we would definitely be interested in working out some good creative and cost effective solutions for you. Please email me at siacob@sagafilm, or call me at 0040742104858 (Stefan Iacob – SagaFilm).

    Nigel! Malcolm Scerri-Ferrante here. Hope you are doing fine! I’m shooting here in Hungary since March. I have just the guys for you. We built massive sets all over Hungary but our biggest one…a village inside a volcano…was the toughest and most challenging. We got Czeck, Hungarian and Slovakian companies to quote and we finally contracted Fargo from Slovakia. They were absolutely great. Not only where they the cheapest, but our designer was very happy with their work, as we all are, and they gave us no headaches whatsoever! Here’s the contact: Dalibor: VASICA@NETAX.SK

    Hi Nigell, have a look at my website….you will find my partnership in Romania ..kentauros Studios..and you will see the american city we have builded for a Peugeot commercial..(directed by Frederic Planchon) hera we have very good and not expensive construction ….if you want to send me more details i can prep a budget quicly..

    Dear Nigel,

    we are production company in Ukraine – Anomaly Film. To answer your question – we need to see more ininformation about your task.
    Please send a contruction details to my e-mail ?

    Best wishes,
    Dmitry Sukhanov
    executive producer
    Anomaly Film
    Kiev Ukraine
    t/f +380444944453

    Hi Nigel, I notice that my UPM has already replied to your question but happy to give more information about our experiences on Eragon. Best, Adam Goodman

    Hi there, if you will still need any help let me know. Naive Films Warsaw, Poland. Tom

    Martin Silar

    We have geat construction companies here in prague, if you are still looking for help don’t hesitate to contact me

    Martin Silar

    We have geat construction companies here in prague, if you are still looking for help don’t hesitate to contact me

    I presume you ahve solved your problem but I still wanted to let you for your future projects that
    we have geat construction companies and crew here in Croatia. Next time you have such a project don’t hesitate to contact me
    or visit our web site for any further help regarding your productions.
    Best regards
    igor A. Nola

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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