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Forums Pre-Production Forum Experience in India?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Bob Lobb 14 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Bob Lobb

    I am researching production problems in India and would like to know about difficulties shooting there. Especially want to hear about ease of working with governments, permits, and necessary payoffs, both to officials and private parties. Interested in all types of productions.

    Thanks greatly. Your comments will be kept private.

    Hi Bill
    We are ‘ Location Managers ‘ & local production support in the western Indian states of Rajasthan & Gujarat. We have dealt with a large number of International Production companies and secured the necessary pemissions from the Centre as well as the respective states. Necessary payoffs have to be done in view of the fact that production companies have to shoot within certain deadines whereas if one does not do that then permissions will take its own time. If ever you need to shoot in these states in India, please do get in touch
    Kishore Sinh Parmar
    Royal Locations

    William Hayes

    Hi Bill! Reading your email made me think about the Dominican Republic :-) But in India I have worked with Harry Bal of ESP Films and he is amazingly great, knowledgeable and responsable. You can reach him at

    Good luck and if you ever need anything in the Dominican Republic feel free to reach out to me at

    Happy New Year!!!!

    “Your comments will be kept private.”

    How can comments be kept private when you don’t supply an email address? All replies/comments will be displayed here on the forum.

    You say you are researching production problems. Usuaully people are researching production solutions.

    Gautam Kurup

    bill … there are no problems shooting anywhere in india … you need to have a sensible producer and thats it …after all most number of films per year are made here … with its multi lingual industry and different culture … more than 500 full lenght feature films are shot every year…

    nick goundry


    send me a mail with details and we could execute your entire filming process in id :

    more details of my work profile on

    Allow me to introduce myself dharmendra singh, I have been
    running this film production & location service company in India, for last 10 years.
    We cater to overseas film-makers wanting to shoot in India. We provide exclusive Production planning with budgeting and scheduling. We provide CREW, locations, and all equipments required for film shooting documentary photo shoot in India. We have a select database of experienced professional’s crew in the Entertainment industry from all over the country. All the pre & post production need contact us; we also get all legal permission for my clients from the Indian government. We have best
    experienced team for film production. We are consist of a group of professional person with over 10 years experience specializing in executing Foreign Film Projects
    . We provide one of the best service in India.
    for more details>

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