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Forums Filming in Athens, Greece

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Per Henry ( PH ) Borch 13 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Author
  • Hi,

    we are looking for a fixer/production manager in Athens, a documentary shoot, its kind of urgent, and we´ll need the one to start already thursday 17 of NOVEMBER ! the shoot will be done saturday-monday the following days. We need location scouting, car-rental, hotels, probably DoP, very small light package, camera Arri Alexa (Plus) no casting, no grip.

    Only professionals with references will be contacted

    all the best,

    Eirik Aa. Ohna

    +47 90 17 26 22
    Ground Control as (

    Ivo van Vollenhoven

    Please check us out at:
    My name is Christos Alex. Giotis and the rarte is 350 Euro per prep or production day.
    Christos Alex. Giotis

    Hello, I am Zoe Lisgara, and was contacted re your shoot here @ Athens by Murray Ashton.

    I would be most glad to assist you and are looking forward hearing from you for further information of your needs.

    Best regards,
    Zoe Lisgara

    You can find Greek producers interested in cooperating with projects from abroad and registered in the Hellenic Film Commission database in the following link:

    Kind regards

    Ilias Tasopoulos
    Greek Film Centre

    John Stevens

    Dear Eirik Aa. Ohna ,

    You are welcome to get in touch with us. We are a company based in Athens, producing documentaries for the Greek and international market and we also service foreign documentaries, sometimes also helping to get Greek funding as a co-production. You may see our work on and of the DOPS we work with.

    Rea Apostolides

    Hi Eirik

    At your disposal to assist you for your forthcoming assignment in Athens. Please check your email for further information and feel free to visit to find out more about our experience and the services we provide.

    Best wishes

    Eleni Atsikbasis

    +30 6974328808


    Please feel free to contact me,

    I mainly work in Mykonos, Greece but live in Athens. Please see my website for further clarification:

    Any advice or help needed please feel free to contact me.

    Thank you


    Hi Eirik,

    We are very interested in assisting you on this project. You can also visit our website ( in order to find out more about our production experience and the vartiety of the services we provide.

    Kind Regards,

    Fay Katsari
    Stefi productions /

    Dear Mr. Eirik Aa. Ohna,
    Thank you for your interest.
    We are available and at your disposal for any further assistance.
    About our capabilities please visit our website (
    In the behalf of
    Marieto Enterprise
    Panagiota Panagiotou

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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