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Forums Filming in Kenya vs Filming in Tanzania?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Michael Emmer 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello,
    I would like to ask experienced filmmakers about the pros and cons of filming in Kenya and Tanzania. I would also like to ask which location would be better to film in (from their opinion) and which location provides better services to overseas filmmakers.

    Hi Allison,
    My last client to film in both countries was a Film maker called Guy Tucker,am sure he would be in the best position to share the experience. Please find below his email

    Tony Rimwah | fixer-field producer | Liaison|Locations manager
    Kenya Onlocations for films |00200| 75603 Nairobi| kenya
    Tel.: +254-722-718425 | | skype-tonyrimwah,

    Hi Allison,
    My last client to film in both countries was a Film maker called Guy Tucker,am sure he would be in the best position to share the experience. Please find below his email

    Tony Rimwah | fixer-field producer | Liaison | Locations manager
    Kenya Onlocations for films |00200| 75603 Nairobi| kenya
    Tel.: +254-722-718425 | | skype-tonyrimwah,

    Hi Allison,
    My last client to film in both countries was a Film maker called Guy Tucker,am sure he would be in the best position to share the experience. Please find below his email

    Tony Rimwah | fixer-field producer | Liaison | Locations manager
    Kenya Onlocations for films |00200| 75603 Nairobi| kenya
    Tel.: +254-722-718425 | | skype-tonyrimwah,

    Hi Alison,

    Kenya has many advantages over other locations in East Africa when it comes to making films given the fact that it is the largest economy in east Africa and is a regional financial and transportation hub.

    Kenya is, in fact the only country in the region with a film infrastructure with excellent local freelance crews, a full range of lighting and grip equipment and handling crew and a large and accomplished acting fraternity, many of whom are seasoned in film stars in their own rights.

    Kenya has attracted many Hollywood productions with a record of epics like: Out of Africa, Tomb Raider II, and Gorillas in the mist, mountain Moon, Mogambo, to walk with Lions, Nowhere in Africa, Survivor III series, and other countless documentaries, television series and films to come and film on location.

    The fact that film producers can come to Kenya and find the real Africa, a landscape and people unchanged by time and in many areas, unspoiled by progress, make Kenya such a historically successful location for beautiful and memorable films.

    The government of Kenya has user-friendly procedures for facilitating filming in Kenya for foreign productions. There are no restrictions in Kenya on how many expatriate crew members or artists can come to Kenya as filming crew. The process of obtaining a film licence is quick, low cost and trouble free. Applications are made through a registered filming agent.

    On Screen Productions Ltd is a Kenyan Production Company specialised in production fixing services. If you need a high quality production organised promptly at cost effective rates, please contact:

    +254-770 132298


    I’m based in Tanzania, but have worked in both countries. Kenya and Tanzania are surprisingly different. It very much depends on what you’re looking for – each country has their strong points. Furthermore, the service you get on the ground will probably depend more on the company you go with, than the country.

    Peter Jones, Tanganyika Film

    Hi there,

    As Tony mentioned, I just finished shooting in both Kenya and Tanzania. I can only speak to the logistical differences between the two…I had to shoot in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam so it’s not like i was picking based on locations.

    Tanzania is a pain in the neck to get into. First you have to get a film permit. That’s going to cost you $1,000USD if you apply 3months in advance. If not, you have to pay $3,000 like I did. I had a fairly small kit but that was another $1500USD in customs fees. Work permits/visas were another $300. All told, I faced $6,000USD in charges that hadn’t been budgeted by the agency.

    Kenya, on the other hand, was quite easy. $50 for a visa…a few hundred dollars for customs clearance…and fantastic crews. Tony was my fixer in Kenya and he did a great job. I had a good fixer in Tanzania, Peter Jones. So you can find good talent in both locations.

    Again…I can’t speak to how the two locations stack up with regard to animal life (if that’s what you’re going for). But Tanzania was the most expensive country to get into.

    Dear Allison,

    Maybe you should consider Madagascar as a a location for your needs…
    Tell us more about your project,

    Warm Regards,

    Eric SÉRIÈS
    BP 3331, Antananarivo – 101
    contact.zfw (at)gmail(dot)com

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