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Forums Pre-Production Forum Filming in Spain

This topic contains 32 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Raul de Leon 14 years ago.

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  • Raul de Leon

    I have never made a film outside UK and Ireland, but have a fabulous script set in an unspoilt village which should feel as if it is coastal Spain. Help needed to understand where to go to get assistance in finding a Spanish co-producer. Likely budget 2.75 – 3.5m Euros.

    Hi Kevin,

    I might be able to help you. I am a UK based producer for a service company based in Mallorca. If you need a costal village I’m sure we can find one to you liking. We also have sync studio space, equipment and range of good english speak crew. Please drop me an email at, or have a look at our website, and we can take it from there.



    Kiku Xicoira

    Hi Kevin. I am sure to be able to help you. I am a producer based in Ibiza, that has a beautiful old town with a harbour. See my website
    Or write me an email and I send you a direct login to our location archive.
    with best regards
    Benjamin de Wolff

    Kiku Xicoira

    and pictures to start with

    hi kevin,

    pls feel free to contact me anytime –

    on you’ll see as well lots of our work.

    sunny regards from barcelona

    Hello Kevin,
    We may help you easily.
    This is our web page: and if you want to contact me for more information the email is:

    Carlos Keil

    Hi Kevin
    We are based in Andalucia and co-produced The Business.
    We have lots of unspoilt villages.
    If you require any help at this stage please do not hesitate to get in contact.
    Regards Charlie

    Hi Kevin,

    I’m based in barcelona and have experience in big productions with foreign clients. we’ll be pleased to help you with your project. please see our web ( and if you consider convinient, send me more details about your project (storyboard, script or list of needs) in order we can send you a bid and useful pics of reference.
    thanks for contacting me back and all the best.


    Hi Kevin,

    We are based in Canary Islands Spain we garanted all the year sunshine and profesional staff. We have big experiences on film and all the material rental, staff, logistic, landscape and more around the Canary Islands.

    You Can visit my website:

    In services you have all the list for the material film rental and more…..

    Best regards

    Hi Kevin

    I’m Albert from Voodoo Productions. We are based in Barcelona offering productions services since 1996.

    If you mail us more information we cansend you a rough estimate, location references…

    our web site

    Best regards

    Albert Brasó

    Takashi Sudo

    Hi Kevin,just read your message.
    When do you want to shoot?
    What exactly are you looking for?
    Do you need talent,equipment, crew, etc…
    I recommend yo shoot it near ether Malaga or Barcelona where you will find infrastructure and therefore save on accommodation , travel, etc… for the crew. There is an important infrastructure in Malaga, and probably be more cost effective than Barcelona, where your hotels, food etc… will be more expensive. There are professional people in every department, all bilingual and experienced in middle and high end work – we can get anything from 35, 16 mm, red cameras, Full 5d and 7d cameras kits,(also PL mounted) and practically everything you may need , to include very international pool of actors and actresses….
    I am happy to share my knowledge with you – just give me a call – oh and I can send you endless photographs. I will recommend places to stay which will make you want to keep working and if you have never worked abroad you will feel totally safe and part of a team. Feel free to call: +34693517523 – but pls dont call too early – have just got in from the wrap party – we just shot with Jamiroquai in the desert in Almeria!!

    Takashi Sudo

    Hi Kevin,just read your message.
    When do you want to shoot?
    What exactly are you looking for?
    Do you need talent,equipment, crew, etc…
    I recommend yo shoot it near ether Malaga or Barcelona where you will find infrastructure and therefore save on accommodation , travel, etc… for the crew. There is an important infrastructure in Malaga, and probably be more cost effective than Barcelona, where your hotels, food etc… will be more expensive. There are professional people in every department, all bilingual and experienced in middle and high end work – we can get anything from 35, 16 mm, red cameras, Full 5d and 7d cameras kits,(also PL mounted) and practically everything you may need , to include very international pool of actors and actresses….
    I am happy to share my knowledge with you – just give me a call – oh and I can send you endless photographs. I will recommend places to stay which will make you want to keep working and if you have never worked abroad you will feel totally safe and part of a team. Feel free to call: +34693517523 – but pls dont call too early – have just got in from the wrap party – we just shot with Jamiroquai in the desert in Almeria!!

    Kiyun Lee

    Hi Kevin…

    We are settled in Mallorca, where you can find many locations in the mood you need.

    Take a look at our work at and feel free to contact me anytime at or at my mobile +34 676 493 511

    Notice that we can not only take care of the production job, we can also do the editing/post.

    Best regards!!

    Neil Tookey


    This is San Sebastián Film Commission in Spain (North – East near the French border). In San Sebastián we have 3 lovely beaches, a port and an island. Please see attached some images. The city can easily be reached by the San Sebastián, Biarritz and Bilbao airports. From the Film Commission we offer you full assistance in your shooting. From production guide to local incentives. Sorry, we are renewing our website but we will be more than happy to help you with your location. Don’t hesitate to contact us for further details! Best regards,

    Neil Tookey

    upsss! some technical mistake. Here goes the picture of the port ;D

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