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Forums Pre-Production Forum Filming using Drones in Indonesia

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Murray Ashton 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Eric Madeja

    Drone filming has become the standard in the broadcast industry and the number of non-commercial drone flying enthusiasts has risen dramatically over the past few years. Many governments have realised the need to regulate the activities before drone use gets out of control.

    The Indonesian Government introduced in 2015, regulations which allow drone users to fly their machines in non-restricted areas to a maximum altitude of 150 metres without the need for any permit. Above 150 metres users are theoretically required to apply for a UAO (Unmanned Aircraft Operations) permit with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation in Jakarta. In order to do that, you require a recommendation letter from AirNav Indonesia, who are in charge of Airspace control within Indonesian borders. You will need to provide exact information, of time, location (GPS positions), operator and equipment used.

    In 2016, Indonesia started to enforce their new regulations. For commercial (or research) filming purposes a drone permit is required even if you fly below 150 metres. The Indonesian Government has initiated certifications for drone pilots in collaboration with Indonesia’s first Drone Pilot Association (APDI).

    Recently when we applied for drone permits for a client, the Indonesian National Film Board, which is under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and coordinates all general filming permits for any broadcast filming of foreign crews in Indonesia, started to recommend the use of Indonesian licensed drone pilots and their aircrafts.
    At this moment it is not really clear if this is only a strong recommendation or a mandatory stipulation that comes with the issuance of the general filming permit. As we understand foreign drone pilots and drones can still be used by visiting crews, but they will soon need to show proof of an accredited pilot certification and the imported aircraft will need to go through a special inspection process by AirNav Indonesia upon arrival.

    Recently, word got around of some foreign production crews being forced to cancel their aerial shoots because they arrived in Indonesia with a drone on their ATA Carnet, but without the proper drone permits.
    We will keep you updated on any further news.

    Murray Ashton

    Hi Eric,

    Many thanks for the interesting post about the use of drones in Indonesia, all very interesting. Perhaps you would like to consider writing a broader contributor article about filming in Indonesia. Here at The Location Guide we love to ‘location educate’ our global audience of over 55,000 location and production professionals with first hand experience of filming in different parts of the world.

    Please see some of our recent contributors here:

    If you would be up for that please contact me:

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