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Forums Fixer / Location Producer in NYC

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Miriam Cooke 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Miriam Cooke


    We have plans shooting a part of a feature film project at NYC next November-Dec.
    We need a Fixer / Location-Producer to help us.

    Any recommendation ?

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards,



    I can assist with this. My partner and I shoot all over the world. He’s in Europe but I’m based in the U.S. You can contact me at or 1-312-912-4434.

    Oona Eberle

    Hey Dani,

    We are a NYC production company offering production services. We have a strong track record working with international companies, when they come to the US to shoot. Please tell us more about the film or possibly send the script, so we can recommend the best approach. I would strongly suggest you work with a service company rather than with a fixer, as you need an entity to permit for locations, navigate the union issues, process the tax credits etc etc.

    Please reach out to Laura Weber or myself at and so we can take a closer look.



    Hi Daniel,

    We can help you on your production needs – from casting to locations and logistics…
    do not hesitate to contact us to discuss further

    Best regards,
    Isabelle Kostic


    I am a NYC area based Location Scout. I might be available to work on locations and depending on what is needed, production; otherwise I have a deep network of other folks for referrals. Thanks :) R. Richard Hobbs | 1-917-747-0856

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