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Forums Fixer Required in either Korea , Chile or Canada

This topic contains 18 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jim Edward 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Jim Edward

    Greetings . I am looking for a fixer for a stills and video shoot in either Chile , Canada or Korea . Looking to scout in Feb and shoot in March . Need to find modern city architecture and old architecture in close proximity to dramatic landscapes and snow . Please email me – Rick Matthews : . Thanks in advance .

    Hello Rick,

    I will be very happy to help put together your production Quebec, Canada.
    Montreal and Quebec city both offer a wide range of architectures.

    I can offer a wide range of services, from fixer to full production services.

    Please tell me more about your project.

    Maurice Forget

    Paul Hinnell

    Dear Rick,
    Please visit our website in order to find the locations you may need. Also I want to remember to you that in Chile winter goes from July to October (Dec-March is Summer in the South Hemisphere)

    Please check out the attached photos of Santiago during winter (July-October)


    Dont hesitate in contacting us for any questions or inquiries concerning shooting in Chile.
    We will be pleased to assit you.
    Meanwhile check out our web site to look at our work.( ps ; it’s beeing “reconstructed”, so it’s still partial !)
    Un saludo,
    From the phone in Santiago de Chile
    + 569 9 2260445

    Tom Crowe

    Please go to , hit the Youtube and then check out the “International Co-Productions” link. Mountains, Drumheller Badlands, snow … new architecture (Art Gallery for example), and some old. Cheers. Michael

    Anysay Keola

    Hi Rick
    Just sent email regarding your inquiry.


    Hello Rick, It will be a pleasure to help you with your project. Please send me a brief with what you need. Meanwhile you can see location references at our web site
    If you have any question or doubt please contact me
    Best Regards from the south

    Pedro Pablo Cabrera
    Mobile : ( 569 ) 9 8268147
    Skype : labasechile

    Jim Eidt

    Hello Rick. David Bouck at Means of Production in Canada here. Please check out our web site for past work, clients, and a general location overview ( We’re based out of Vancouver, British Columbia but cover all of Canada. Please let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll put together location photos and numbers for you. Cheers.

    David Gane

    Hello Rick,

    Please feel free to register for our digital locations database by visiting; click on Film & TV, then “Location Library”. There you will find options for locations throughout the province that can be used for filming.
    I hope this information is helpful,
    Janice Reid Johnston
    Marketing Consultant
    Ontario Film Commission

    Hi Rick,

    Manitoba, Canada could be a great option for this project. I will email you with more information.

    Lauren Vogel

    Location Services Coordinator
    Manitoba Film and Music
    P: 204-947-2040 ext 14

    Jefe Miranda

    Hello Rick
    We are
    We are capable of producing all kinds of productions.
    Why a production company and not a fixer?
    You will save money on taxes and have a bigger production support.
    Feel free to contact me anytime.

    Alejandro Araya
    Executive Producer
    +569 6 208 8413
    Skype: infonabo2

    Bob Rickerd

    Hi Rick

    It’s Ted from Lemonade Films in Vancouver BC

    Let us know if we can help.


    Ted Herman
    Skype: ted.herman

    Justin Keen

    Hello Rick,

    Calgary, Alberta Canada has all of those requests. Can you supply some more details re the product you are shooting. There are some spectacular winter scenes with all of the mentioned guidelines in Banff National Park. The Park does have restrictions with content. You can send me more details at my email listed below.


    Robert Hilton
    Location Manager

    Hello Rick,

    have you thought about the Yukon in Northwestern Canada?

    We have a modern city plus we have the historic buildings from the Gold Rush – a great combination. Add dramatic mountains, frozen rivers and lakes…and LOTS of space.
    And we still have tons of snow in March, longer days and most of the time sunny skies!
    Plus easy jet access – and maybe some cost-saving incentives, too.

    If you want and need something special – please contact me :-)

    Werner Walcher
    Whitehorse, Yukon
    ph. +1.867.668.2883
    Skype: yukonwerner

    Hi Rick, we are in southern Chile, please see our facebook page, many photos in there….and although you won’t see much snow in these pics, we do have some year round snowy volcanos….

    write to us if we can help you with further information or anything else,

    Bettina Bettati
    Valdivia Film Commission
    56 (9) 8464 8964
    Casilla 812, Valdivia. Chile

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

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