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This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Stuart Ireland 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Stuart Ireland

    Hello everyone,

    I am looking for a fixer to start on a natural history documentary project immediately. They must be familiar with and/or reside in West Papua, be able to speak English fluently, and able to assist with film permits and visa applications.

    If anyone has filmed in this area before and knows of a good fixer in this location I would be very grateful if you could pass on their name/details to me.

    Additionally, any helpful advice on filming or good natural history locations in this region would be very much appreciated.

    Alternatively, if you yourself are a fixer in this area, do not hesitate to get in contact. Previous experience with production teams essential.

    Many thanks!

    Hi Poppy,

    we can help you with West Papua. Please send us an email with more details to and we come back to you.


    Hello Poppy,

    My name’s Joe Yaggi, I’m with Jungle Run Productions. We’ve been working throughout Indonesia for the past 20 years.

    We’ve organized and run a number of international broadcast shoots in West Papua over the years in addition to shoots and expeditions of our own. In fact we have a shoot running right now in Raja Ampat and Teluk Cenderwasih with the BBC.

    We also have excellent relations with national and local government officials to facilitate permits as well as solid, long-term contacts on the ground in West Papua.

    I’m happy to send you our full filmography and an overview of the permit process. My email address is

    Best regards,


    Hi Poppy,
    Filming in W Papua needs special permit and visa. I am a freelance production manager based in Jakarta. I have been filming in Papua couple of times, from a short few days to 3 months long.

    If you send me the detail of your production to, I can inform you the detail about any permit/visa procedure and logistic to film in Papua,


    Ivan Entel

    We just successfully completed a month long international shoot in Papua and are certainly in a position to assist with all your production needs.
    Please don’t hesitate to contact us with further details.
    Thank you

    Hi Poppy,
    My name is Ruly Mahessa, i am an Indonesian and living in Germany. Just comeback from Sumatra and done Filming with Orang Utan and Rhino with German TV Team. I am a freelance production manager based in Cologne, Germany. I have been filming in Indonesia since 1998 from Sumatra, Borneo and so on. And i have a really good Relationships to the Government in Indonesia, which is very helpfull in this case.

    If you send me the detail of your production to I can inform you the detail about any permit visa procedure and logistic to film in Papua, or somewhere else in Indonesia.

    Ruly Mahessa

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