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Forums Fixers in Utah: Question About Utah Locations

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Kim Leong 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Kim Leong

    Hi, I have a question for fixers and location managers in Utah, or those with experience scouting locations in Utah.

    Has anyone filmed any desert scenes in Utah?

    Is anyone familiar with Amangiri resort, and if they have worked with any films?

    You can contact me at and my name is Merri (filmmaker). This is for an adventure film, which may require an extra desert location that can double as a desert or an arid environment from Middle East, North Africa, or Ethiopia?

    Jeffrey Erb

    Hi, I personally know a guy from Utah. My e-mail is Send me a message there and I will contact you with him.

    PS I saw your e-mail, so I’ll send you a message :)


    I’m happy to hear that you are considering Utah for your project. We share very similar looking landscapes with all of the Middle Eastern areas that you mentioned in your request. Many are located near the Amangiri Resort, which has worked with productions in the past.

    Other areas in our state that have a similar look to the Middle East include: Kanab (closest town to Amangiri), Moab to Monument Valley, St. George and in N. Utah the West Desert.

    I’ve included some imagery from the areas I mentioned, but you can see much more on our website:

    I will follow up with you directly with some fixers as well as the corresponding film commissions for those areas.

    Derek Mellus

    Ken Winber

    Hi Merri,

    I agree with Derek Mellus and feel that you can work outside Amangiri for less costs. If there is a particular reason you want or need to use Amangiri, I have a contact there, let me know.



    Dax Basdeo

    I am the assistant director at the Moab to Monument Valley Film Commission that Derek Mellus (from Utah Film Commission) mentioned a few days ago.
    If you need any further information on our area please don’t hesitate to reach out… We definitely have locations available that can double for the environments you are looking for.
    Here is a link to our website as well
    Thank you,

    Bega Metzner
    Assistant Director
    Moab to Monument Valley Film Commission
    O: 435-259-4341
    C: 435-260-0097

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