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Forums Fixers needed for historical doc: Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Elissa Hermolin 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I am working on a development for a history documentary to be filmed in 2016. We are looking for a fixer who could help us set up filming in several archaeological and historical sites principally across Uzbekistan, but also in neighbouring areas of Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, southern Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan. Ideally someone who has experience of negotiating access to historical locations and sorting VISAs for foreign film crews. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


    Chad Gray

    Dear Imogen Walford, I suggest we discuss your history documentary in details to help you to coordinate it both creatively and cost-effectively. Since you mention different ex-USSR republics of the Central Asia, which are now different states with different laws, rules and traditions, we could handle this much easier at the pre-prod period through my direct contacts with my partners from Confederation of Film-Makers Union, a prominent and well-respected public organization. This Union is actively operating in these countries as well and it has united many talented film-makers, some of them live or visit Moscow now and then to attend film festivals / other events. So we always keep in touch. I look forward to hearing from you. Kindest regards, Eugene Zykov, President & Founder Russian Film Commission — Film-Media Tel: +7 495 686 1888 Cell: +7 905 545 34 14 (also via Facetime/Viber/Whatsup) Skype: ezykov

    Shoot Paris

    Hello Imogen,
    I’m an international fixer based in Georgia, with over 20 years of experience. Been fixing for many productions, including Top Gear (Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel), 80 days around the world (Georgia, Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan) done some projects in Kenia.
    At this very moment I’m in preproduction for the UK prod. company for the film along the Silk Road. Will be filming in whole Central Asia in this coming June. So, have lots of fresh contacts and will have much more when will finish the shoot.
    Feel free to contact me at Mob.: +995 599 557 400. Nick Erkomaishvili

    Chad Gray

    Hi Imogen, meanwhile I have got some good news from Central Asia for you and I look forward to hearing from you. Kindest regards, Eugene Zykov, President & Founder Russian Film Commission — Film-Media Tel: +7 495 686 1888 Cell: +7 905 545 34 14 (also via Facetime/Viber/Whatsup) Skype: ezykov

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