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Forums FIXERS Needed – France (Burgundy area), Tanzania & Belgium

This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Esther Blount 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    I’m doing a bit or research for a producer and I’m looking for a Fixer to help with a Live action and Stills shoot. She would like to contact them over the next couple of days inroder to get a bid in for bext week.

    We plan to shoot in Tanzania, Belgium and France (Burgundy area) in April/May


    Matt Jones

    Hi, I’m a freelance film & print, creative producer/fixer working in Advertising , fashion & movies, based in Belgium and Germany, with experience in Belgium, France and Kenya/Africa; Pls don’t hesitate to call me or send me your briefing. Best, Ariane +32476327632

    For filming in Burgundy check out the Burgundy Film Commission who’s deytails can be found on The Location Guide location filming directory here:

    Enjoy your shoot in Burgundy!

    We are a team of five fixers that cover Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar. We handle Production teams Local and visiting foreign crews facilitating all filming needs…In features, Reality shows, TVCs, Documentaries, and pilots shoots..

    Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.


    Tony Rimwah +254722718425

    tara walls

    Hello, I am a fixer in France for stills and live actions shoots and would be delighted to help you out.
    Antonin Dedet
    P: + 33 (0)6 07 75 25 18

    Please feel free to contact us for fixing opportunities in Tanzania.

    kind regards


    Sumith Kumar

    Hi Ellie,

    Nice to meet you. I’m Wil from Elementrik Films, 20y of experience in feature, documentary & advertising film production as a producer & fixer in Belgium & all over Europe. I’m based in Belgium. Happy to read your briefing. Give a buzz and let’s see how we can team up. Grtz Wil +32 495 27 16 87


    I can help you in Tanzania and other African countries. I have many years experience as a Production Manager and lived in Tanzania for many years. Please let me know what you need.

    Kind regards
    Lidia Chambers

    Hi Ellie

    I’m one of the most experienced line producer / fixer, working for over 25 years in France with many top worldwide productions .. I have shot in almost every part of France and counties around.
    I have done several film shoot in Burgundy and will be happy to offer my service for your project .

    I could perhaps also assist you in Belgium if you could be interested to have only one peson covering your 2 destinations in Europe.

    Will be great to have more details about your project.

    With my best regards

    JP Costantini
    Mobile : +33 607 287 484
    Email :


    I’m a Paris-based Fixer, I’m in the industry since 20 years, to name a few, i usually work for National Geographic Studios, PBS, BBC, NPR (National Public Radio US)…
    I have a few names of great Fixers in Belgium if needed.
    Always happy to talk with you.
    Feel free to get in touch on my email :
    Check my more recent jobs :

    +33 6 07 49 64 60

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