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Forums Pre-Production Forum for a film The Empire of nebo

This topic contains 16 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Emiliano Szulewicz 14 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)
  • Author
  • We are looking locations, executiv production for a fantasy film The Empire of Nebo who takes place in the fantastic Middle age with magicians, sorcers, beautiful landscapes, wild nature, old or abandonned villages, old cities, and coproduction…. project on request

    Dear Phillippe!

    Ukraine should be great for you. Let me know the details of the project and I’ll send you more photos.

    Best regards,
    Lena Yuzik


    Good Afternoon from Habana , Cuba .

    please check out our website at

    Hello Philippe

    My name is Konstantinos Tagalakis and i represent a location house in Greece.

    We collaborate with all the local production companies.

    You will find many interesting locations in our country one of which is the one i attach.

    Please feel free to visit our website

    Best regards

    Konstantinos Tagalakis
    Location Manager
    mob. 0030 6937121987
    tel. 0030 2106015916
    fax. 0030 2106211050

    Dear Phillippe,
    I’m from Romania and we can get a very good deal on locations and on the overall production services for your film. Please contact me for locations, budgets and all the rest.
    Thank you,
    Bogdan Popescu
    Bobina Film

    Hi Philippe
    We in Marmelade Film would be glad to show many wonderful places matching your fantasy film well.
    Have a look at some pics, we’d rather send you much more.
    Let us know more detales.
    waiting for your letter

    warm regards
    Marmelade Film
    Kiev, Ukraine

    Hello Phillippe,
    Romania could be a really good place to shoot a Fantasy film. With it’s wealth of beautiful scenery, old cities and dark age castles, Romania can offer quite a variety of superb locations for your movie.
    We can provide our expertise in servicing foreign productions and I will be happy to develop this further together.
    I have just put together some moods to start with.
    If you are interested, please e-mail me at and I will be happy to get into details.

    Traian Ardac
    Reload Film, Bucharest

    Roman Finger

    Hi Phillippe
    do you also considering the Czech Republic? In case of YES then we can start upload reference location pictures from Middle age period.
    Please let us know about your interest.

    hi, it may be an idea to consider Malta, with our VAT-back and cash-back incentives it may prove to be a good place for you to film. In the middle of the Mediterranean, with a large number of historic and nedievel buildings, only a couple of hours flight from most euoropean cities and where all local film crew speak English.
    I have attached a few pics but can send many more should should Malta prove to be of interest

    Alice Alonso

    Hi Philippe,

    We met in Cannes in 2007 when you were with Phoenix Films and I with Carter Films, Romania. I know very well your project (I quoted it). Now I have my own production company Green Film. I’m very glad to find you still involved in the project. Let’s talk about it.
    Gabriel Achim

    Crimea in Ukraine is the best locations pack for fantastic movies. Size of area about whole Switzerland. Old nuclear station, old soviet industry, wild rocks, lakes, open landscapes, caves, lost cities, castles, military zones and vehicles.

    You can check up the trailer of russian fantastic project that was done in Crimea.

    If you need more locations – please send me location list description you are looking for and I will pass it to location manager for preselection.

    here you can see 2 feature films we did in Ukraine as full service company

    If you are going to Cannes next week – we can meet there and I will bring you our location book.

    a bit more crimea

    and one old city is museum now in Crimea


    if u r still looking, please get intouch for locations and service in Romania and all over east Europe.

    Hello Philippe,

    Austria might be a good choice. Central Europe, good infrastructure and logistics and beautiful locations. Could u pls send me the project infos, info? Best regards, Markus

    picspusher productions /markus viehauser
    +4368110203375 / skype: markusviehauser

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

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