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Forums Pre-Production Forum golf course at sea cliff?

This topic contains 17 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Rodolfo Gerstl 17 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)
  • Author

  • Sarah Smith

    Witaj Kasiu,

    Pisze z Irlandii. Wzd“u¿ linii wybrze¿a wyspy rozci’ga siê wiele pól
    golfowych ulokowanych na szczycie klifami. Nadchodzi lato, wiec widok z
    tych miejsc zapiera dech w piersiach, a pogoda powinna dopisywaæ ˆ niebo
    bêdzie w miarê czyste i nie bêdzie tak gor’co jak na kontynencie.

    Chocia¿ my mówimy po angielsku, przyjaciele naszej firmy mówi’ zarówno po
    polsku jak i po angielsku, tak wiec bêdziemy w stanie wam pomóc na wiele

    Je˛li chcia“aby˛ rzuciæ okiem na strony irlandzkich pól golfowych, proszê
    daj mi znaæ. Postaramy siê równie¿ wyszukaæ zdjêcia dla Ciebie.



    you should reply to this email in English as our Polish person does not work fulltime.

    Best wishes

    Max Brady

    Dear Kasia

    There are three golf courses in SW Scotland that might interest you – St Medan’s Golf Course, Brighouse Bay Golf Course, and Portpatrick Golf Course. St Medan’s and Portpatrick have views over the Irish Sea, while Brighouse Bay has views of the Solway Firth and of the hills of the Lake District.

    Please get in touch with Mark Geddes at SW Scotland – for images and information.

    There are three golfcourses situated near the coastline of Northern Ireland. Adglass in particular may fit what you are looking for. Details below. “Ardglass, located in Northern Ireland, is a dramatic links golf course set on a rugged coastline, with cliff tops and an ancient town as a backdrop.” If you need any further info, please feel free to get in touch by email:

    Craig Woods

    There are 2 golf courses boarding the sea in Egypt :
    1) Soma Bay (Designed by Gary Player)

    2) Movenpick Sharm Golf

    For More info… you may contact us :

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)

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