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Forums Highest ambition level trekking/hiking Location for Still shoot

This topic contains 34 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Rick Romaniuk 13 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 36 total)
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  • Hi Peter,

    We service most of Africa from the jungles of Nigeria, amazing mountain ranges in Kenya and Ethiopia to the spectacular regions in South Africa and the enormous Namib desert.

    Please email me on so we can send you a fantastic location presentation.

    Chat soon

    Kind Regards,

    David Brenton-Wakelin
    Executive Producer
    Diamond Dog Films
    Southern, Eastern & Western Africa
    Telephone: +2721 945 3254
    Facsimile: +2786 240 6607
    Cellular: +2773 573 8922
    Skype ID: diamonddogfilms

    Hello from INDIA …

    WE are hare for provide you best of best service , company has a highly flexible approach to production demand, combining hard work and adaptability, a wide range of location in all over India .. please have look on these reference pic –

    Dharmendra singh
    +91 9833084766
    Skype ;- dharmendra1232

    Morning Peter!

    Why not consider this magical, unspoilt, eco Caribbean island!

    Hope to see you on ‘Nature Island@


    you may want to consider the Canary Islands with their vast range of different landscapes and mini-climates; in Tenerife for example you will find from (under-)water experience, beaches, wild coastlines, deserts, canyons, forests, jungles and outstanding volcanic lanscapes up to the 4000m snow capped Teide volcano, all within 2 hours of driving…

    Kind regards,


    Canarian Location and FilmCanaryIslands

    John Duffy

    hi peter
    one more..frm turkey tortum waterfall..
    hope to hearing u soon
    all the best

    +90 532 2129395

    hello …
    have a look some more option … hope u will like these location

    dharmendra singh
    mob ;- +91 9833084766
    Skype ;- dharmendra1232

    Jen Durbin

    Hello Peter

    Writing you from Chile to present you some awesome locations for your request.
    Depending on your schedule and timing there are several places in Chile that might work, Close by Santiago : some spectacular mountains and green landscapes
    South Of Chile: endless green landscapes, water falls, rivers and tons of lagoons
    North of Chile; stunning desert with huge mountains.

    I am attaching you a small example of the diversity that chile can offer.

    Please let me know if you would like a link with more options and logistic info.

    looking further to hear form you!
    M Paz Zedán

    Hi peter …
    here is some option .. have a look on it …

    dharmendra singh
    mob ;- +91 9833084766
    Skype ;- dharmendra1232

    Beautiful British Columbia, Canada may have just what you’re looking for depending on what time of the year you want to shoot.

    Please take a look at some of the images in our location library;

    Vancouver is a great filming hub with competitive rates and world- class crews.

    Please email for more details;

    Many thanks, The Location Fixer Partnership

    Dear Peter

    Peru offers all the locations you need in a small package. We have many different regions that have access to locations like the one you’re looking for,

    Dear Peter

    Peru offers all the locations you need in a small package. We have many different regions that have access to locations like the one you’re looking for. We just did a nice shoot for the clothing brand anthropologie, we shot in Cusco and Puno, both great locations with access to mountain regions. Peru is known as a well destination for trekking and hiking, and we have both dry landscapes as well as rich mountain scenery. You can see more pics at this location:

    If you send me an email I can send you a personal selection with more options.

    Best regards

    Bruno Canale

    Cona Casares

    Hi Peter

    By Clicking in the next link you’ll be able to see some breathtaking locations from Chile.

    I hope they work for you,


    Cona Casares
    Executive Producer

    Dillon Xiang

    HI Peter.

    hope this is not too late for you. if yo are still looking for the locations then China may be a good choice.

    We have great locations even in winter time. here is just one of them, if you are interested please send me your email address I can send you other great locations immediately!

    86 13918274114

    On the coast of Northern Norway we have some grate locations that match what you are looking fore. Easy access, 1 hour from airport and good infrastructure with roads and hotel.

    Locations with a combination of fjords and mountains.

    Check out our location database at

    Espen Prestbakmo

    Hello Peter,

    I’m Chad. I work for PTT Films in Turkey, we have extended locations database. To take a quick tour to our locations gallery concerning your shoot, please follow the links below :

    If you would like to have more details and more pictures, please contact us or leave me your e-mail and contact details, this way we can get back to you. We have appropiate solutions for every kind of budget.

    Thank you very much.

    All the best from Istanbul.

    Chad Ozturk c/o PTT Films
    Tel : +33 6 49 32 07 86 or +90 533 413 97 14

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 36 total)

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