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Forums Pre-Production Forum Highway in the desert

This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  yas kotake 16 years, 8 months ago.

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  • yas kotake

    we are looking for a highway about a few miles long to shoot a car race with Ferraris. The location should not be too faraway from a supporting town.

    Namibia is the place for you, we have paved (black tar) roads running throught the desert starting in Swakopmund heading east and the town has supported major international films and commercials, there is a deep sea harbour and international airport 30 kms away.
    Please contact us on or go to our website As Namibia’s premier production service company Namib Film will assist you every step of the way to make your production professional and a pleasure.
    We look forward to hearing from you.
    Kindest regards
    Guy Nockels

    Joe Yang

    Hi Mauricio

    We have this location in the south of Morocco. It is a well known location that has been used by many European companies over the years. If you are interested I can send you photos. The only thing I am not sure for the moment is the actual state of the surface of the road, I mean if it is a beautiful blue road or if has been damaged.
    My mail:, my telephone: + 212 22 98 99 88

    Jim Edgar

    my name is jaouhar
    i”m the representative of international monastir films
    i think i might be able to find somthin for you in tunisia.
    please contact me on 07921366799 or send me your number i”ll call you back.

    kid regards

    Roland Chang

    There are lovely roads in Morocco. We have produced several car tvc there in the last 19 years. Nevertheless if you are talking of real highways ( 2 tracks up, 2 tracks down ) we will not find them. If you are talking of wide roads within a beautiful landscapes, we can help further.
    There are extraordinary big and wide highways – 4 tracks – in Libya.
    Ines Stephan
    A.S.A.P. Production
    mobil +39 335 240075

    Hello Maurizio,

    We have many possibilities in various countries.
    Though we need much more information from you.
    A storyboard would be the best.
    We just got back from a recce in Algeria, and have 30 km of clean asphalted roads in the middle of a clean desert.
    Parts have rock formations and other parts only sand and dunes.
    We also operate in Jordan and Dubai where you can also find what you need.
    Please pm me on:
    with more information, and we will send you a link to view jpgs of locations.
    We own our own equipment grip, lights and camera which can be used and can also provide a camera car if needed.
    Best regards,


    we have many posibilities in our country for example the shott ” salt lake ” this period is good for your project and many other area in the desert but we dont have the hightway just a road if you need more details i can send you some locations pictures to have an idea about south of tunisia
    our company is ITFP we worked with many company like BBC, skytv,mariposa…etc you can contact lotfi sahli, i’m sawsen coordinator

    Dear Maurizio,

    Egypt Productions can support locations in Egypt and Dubai and is expert at hosting all aspects of international production.

    We can send you a selection of photographs specific to your requirements for a race track in the desert. (please email me). Dubai can provide the cars and the location; Egypt only the location. In both cases we can provide a full range of production facilities.

    Walid Shawki
    Egypt Production, Cairo
    +20 121613534

    Dear Maurizio,
    I’m Doaa Elkhatib from Freelance Production – Egypt
    Freelance Production has extensive portfolio in facilitating production services for international production crew to shoot in Egypt. We can provide you with different options for highway roads that are suitable for shooing a car race scene. Photos can provided later by e-mail. Through our experience in production; we can guarantee you, the suitability and proficiently level of your project. E-mail me with more info on Mobile Number: 002-010 5162 871. Land-Line : 002-02 2735 3551

    Nancy Kagan

    hi Maurizio Amati , we are full production support team and we can provide different options of shooting in a highway desert in egypt,tunisia and sudan.All my production team can provide your needs and we can give you the best location pictures and good full production facilities.All i need from you is a full details of this project ,the pre production dates and shoot dates so we can start giving u location pictures .Thank you

    Nancy Kagan

    hi Maurizio Amati , we are full production support team and we can provide different options of shooting in a highway desert in egypt,tunisia and sudan.All my production team can provide your needs and we can give you the best location pictures and good full production facilities.All i need from you is a full details of this project ,the pre production dates and shoot dates so we can start giving u location pictures .u can send us to ,send us a qoute and we will give you the best facilities.Thank you

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